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Organic Keratin or Stem Cell Striaghtening

Indulge in the ultimate hair luxury with Anamilé Beauty & Hair’s Organic Keratin or Stem Cell Straightening Service. Discover a groundbreaking approach to hair straightening that combines the power of nature and cutting-edge technology.

what we OFFER

Our Organic Keratin or Stem Cell Straightening Service is designed to deliver remarkable results while prioritizing the well-being of your hair. We believe in harnessing the power of natural ingredients and advanced techniques to achieve a seamless blend of beauty and nourishment. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to a hair straightening experience that cares for your hair from root to tip.

Our Organic Keratin or Stem Cell Straightening treatments are designed to provide long-lasting results, allowing you to enjoy sleek, straight hair for an extended period of time. Embrace the freedom of styling versatility and say goodbye to daily styling struggles.

Contact Anamilé Beauty & Hair today to book your Organic Keratin or Stem Cell Straightening Service and unlock a world of luxurious hair transformations. 


Extra-Short Hair: $150.00
Short hair to the shoulder: $170.00
Abundant Short Hair: $190.00

Medium Hair: $200.00
Abundant Medium Hair: $230.00
Long Hair: $260.00
Abundant Long Hair: $300.00
Extra Long Hair: $330.00 to $360.00